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Friday, May 18, 2012

20/20 Preview for Tonight

Here is the link to the preview of the 20/20 special on tonight's show, including my story. Feel free to comment below on this post after the show as well. A link for those who may not be able to see the show but would like to watch it tomorrow:

ABC News, 10 pm EST


  1. Hi Elaina,
    I just watched the 20/20 special on your Lyme story...I'm in tears..of mixed emotions, happy yet sad! This was my story, I battled Lyme and other co-infections as intense as you have, too! I was officially diagnosed at 13 and was treated for 3 years! I was in and out of school, had seizures, memory loss, body twitches, weight gain, mood instability, headaches, joint swelling, wheelchair bound for a few months and the list goes on! I have been Lyme free for the last 12 years, am married and have a healthy 17 month old and am now a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner! Stay strong you will get better!

  2. Hi Elaina,

    I also just watched your show. My sister suffers from Lyme disease and also has an accent. Our family has struggled with finding a physician who believes she isn't faking it and will treat her for the longer course of treatment. I did just write you an email as well. I am just so relieved to see that she is not alone. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope that maybe I can put the two of you in touch. I'd never heard of anyone else who also suffered from the "accent". I can't wait to show her your blog but we live on opposite coasts (I'm in California, she's in Virginia) so it will have to wait until morning. I think your story will inspire her. She is a gifted artist and I want her to be able to make a life for herself. Wishing you the best of luck fighting the disease! -Cati

  3. Hi Elaina
    I watched your show several times, and was in tears every single time. I was also diagnosed with Lymes and several coinfections recently, after being misdiagnosed several times and treated with dangerous drugs. I can relate to you and what you're going through on many levels. I do not have an accent but have/do experience many of the same symptoms. You were asked in the show " if you were faking it?" pretty much, and you responded relaying back to 7th grade when life was grand for you! It upsets me so much that this question so often arises and there always entails such an in depth explanation as to what's happening to you. I also often think back to before this battle began and often wish that my life could be as perfect as it was before however; although this is just the beginning I do know for sure that this experience is life altering and I'm trying to look at it as redirection to a different, and much better path when it's all over. We will be stronger, wiser, and even more passionate about our understanding of life and what it truly means. I know it can be very exhausting mentally and physically on top of all the pain and fear. It's so great that your boyfriend has stuck by you, you seem like such an optimistic happy person despite all your struggles. You're very admirable. Please know that your not alone, and there's people out there that can relate to you. I wish you nothing but the best on your road to recovery! Sending you hope and strength! - Brittney


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