Igenex Interpretation is based on internal validation studies. by Igenex criteria, IgM Western Blot is considered positive if 2 or more of the doubled starred bands below are present. By CDC/NYS criteria, IgM WB is reported positive if 2 of the following bands are present: 23-25, 39, 41. The CDC/NYS refuses to allow the labs to report band 31 and 34 because they were used to make the vaccine, which was only on the market a short time (people got sick so it was removed). Obviously, I haven't had the vaccine, so the reporting of these bands are imperative. The CDC/NYS decided that these were the most common bands, therefore designing a vaccine with them. The thing is that now they are not included in test results, by the request of ignorant groups. Since diagnosis by positive test results is so important to ill people, a literate MD and good test results (mine were good through Igenix, they include the bands.) are needed so we can get correct treatment. Make Sense?
Igenex IGM Result = Positive
CdC/NYS Result = Negative (if band 39 were a positive, I would be CDC Positive)
kDa. 18 Neg
22 Neg
**23-25 Neg
28 Neg
30 Neg
**31 Pos++
** 34 Neg
**39 IND(Means something is there, but not enough to call positive, but not negative)
**41 Positive +++
45 Neg
58 Positive +
66 Neg
73 Neg
**83-93 Neg
Igenex IGG Result = Negative The IGM antibodies turn into the IGG antibodies over long exposure. Indicates a long time infection.
CDC/NYS Result = Negative
** 39 Indeterminate
**41 Positive +++
All others Negative